Know When to Call Three Strikes on Someone
The late, great Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows who they are, believe them.”
Very wise advice.
This doesn’t mean to necessarily write off someone the first time you meet them if you get a bad vibe. Maybe they just got bad news. Perhaps they weren’t feeling well.
If the same vibe is there the second time, take note.
If you choose a third interaction and the vibe is shaking every cell in your body, call an out. Be your own umpire.
There are so very many people in your orbit with whom to share your precious time. People whose energy lifts you, who make you laugh, who listen to you as much as you listen to them, who truly want the best for you.
Not everyone has to be your best friend with whom you share your most private thoughts. Some people are just plain fun. Others share an interest or hobby. All good.
Just don’t freely give your energy away to someone who absorbs it without sending any in your direction.
You get to choose.
Choose wisely.
Just like Maya.